Friday, October 30, 2009

Time travel is not possible :(

I'm 41 years old.
Wouldn't it be better if I had begin transitioning earlier?
- Yes!
I cannot
travel back in time.

So much easier for young people these days to figure out what is wrong with them.
I didn't have internet when I was young. Did not understand myself.

MY LIFE SO FAR = waste of time + space

(By the way: I disagree with Einstein that space is curved. Space has no attributes. It is nothing. Therefore it cannot have shape)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I want more energy

I wish I had more energy to do things and that I was more active.

How can I increase my energy?
  1. Exercise more
  2. Be more active mentally (Write, read, play poker, learn new things)
  3. Eat healthier (more raw fruit + vegetables)

I need motivation.
If changing my sex can make me happier, then that ought to be motivation enough.

I want to be happy.
I want to have more energy.
I want to be more active mentally and physically.
I want to eat healthier (although I eat reasonable healthy already).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Writing in order to think

I have to use words in order to think.
Either talk or write.
Since I don't have anyone to talk to, writing becomes the right thing to to.

I have been watching a bunch of transsexual videos on YouTube lately.
I remember thinking that I wish I was one of them. That I was transsexual.

I think what I wish for is to transition completely and become as much woman as I possibly can.
That means going threw Sex reassignment surgery (SRS).

I feel like I need to experiment with being a woman by dressing up as a woman at home first, then go out as a woman with make up and everything.
I also feel like I need to educate myself more.
There is so much info online about trans sexuality. I need to read more of that info and try to learn it.
Maybe there are good books about it also that I ought to read.
This whole transitioning thing is gonna take time. Years as I have mentioned earlier.

Since I live alone and have nobody to talk to, it is important that I compensate by writing.
Using words are necessary for me in order to think properly.

After a while I also should seek therapy by a specialist in this things.

Another idea is to try to connect with other trans gender people and maybe be friends with them. It would be awesome if I could find a person like my self and be friends in real life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is gonna take time

Yes, to change gender takes time.

And I'm still not 100% certain whether I'm too old or not.
I'm guessing that I'm not.

Its not to late to change gender at an age around 40 is it?
I haven't heard of any age limit yet.

One thing that could be helpful would be to find a friend or friends that are in the same situation.
Yeah...I kind of miss that.

Talking to my self.
Talking to my self.

The best way to start

Im getting conflicting advice online from other transsexuals about how to start exploring whether I'm trans gender or not.
One transsexual say explore by dressing up as a woman with make up etc in order to figure stuff out....the other say the best way is to talk to a gender specialized therapist.

Im kind of feel like dressing up first. have had that before and it didn't help.

But if I decide to actually do it, then its probably a good idea.
I probably need a recommendation or something from a therapist anyway in order to start on hormones etc.

The problem with seeking help and advice from others is that they probably will give it based on their own experiences.
Everybody is different, so what is right for one, may not be right for another.

Its a good thing that trans genders give advice and try to help others in the same situation....but advice is just advice.... I'm the one that should decide what to do when etc. based on what I think is right for me.

I kind of have to be my own advisor.

I have started exploring transitioning

Ordered women clothes and make up.
Dressing up and see how it feels to be a woman.
Thats my plan.
If I feel better, then next step is to go out dressed as a woman.
Wonder if I will pass as a woman.
I want to figure out if I want to change my sex.
I kind of feel like I want to.

One thing that bothers me is family.
What will they think when they find out?
But I haven't had contact with most of them for several years.

I don't like my parents.
I dont really care what they think.
Why even tell my family? If I hardly have had contact with them the last couple of years and dont care what they think of my plan.....then there is no point in telling.
I don't expect any help from them anyway. This is something I have to do on my own.
I would feel shameful anyway being dressed as a woman in front of them. I imagine that would be very embarrassing at emotionally painful.

If I had loved my parents and I felt like the loved me....that would be one thing....but if I don't even like or respect them?

Hm....I actually feel like just starting on this journey without telling them.
Just change my sex and start a new life.
If they find out, they find out, if not, they don't.

I didn't plan on spending time with them either way.

My main problem is that I'm not happy with myself as I am now.
If transforming myself to a woman can make me happier, it will be worth it.

Im kind of doing it in stealth mode.
I like the word "stealth".
I'm living undercover, he he.
Almost like an alien transforming in secrecy to a human being.
When I'm finished I'm gonna suck your brains out. Need human brain. Me hungry.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How do I start?

Where to start?
How does one start exploring beeing transgender? Buy women clothes, make-up etc and put it on, he he. I guess so.

OMG this feels like a really long journey.
I feel like I dont have the strength to go threw all that it takes (hormones, living like a woman, surgery etc).
+ Im wondering if its to late.
Is it to late to change sex when you're 41 years old?

And I could be on the wrong track. But hopefully I will discover that during the time when I attempt to live like a woman.

What do I have to loose?
Nothing, because I have nothing.

What am I?

That is what I'm wondering about.

Lately I have been thinking that I might be transgender MTF.
That kind of means a woman in a mans body I think.
I have social anxiety.
I have tried so many things to get well without success (therapy, medication, self-help books etc.)

Maybe me real problem is that I have denied my feminine side.

I feel involuntary submissive against men. I feel I have to pretend and act like a man against women (with little success).
Why cant I just be myself? What is myself?

Im a 41 year old man with no friends or no girfriend for the last 20 years.
Incredible isn't it?

Several times people have suspected me of beeing gay.
I don't feel gay, but can understand why people suspect that because Im soft spoken, insecure, awkward etc.
I have done my best to suppress and hide my weaknesses. Again why cant I just be myself? And what is myself?

I have been thinking lately that its worth exploring wether Im a transgender person.
What do I have to lose?


I have a blog again.

This is the first post here.

Probably nobody will read it.

I need to write in order to be able to think.

OMG do I have issues, hehe.

OK. Can I add a picture?