Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I have started exploring transitioning

Ordered women clothes and make up.
Dressing up and see how it feels to be a woman.
Thats my plan.
If I feel better, then next step is to go out dressed as a woman.
Wonder if I will pass as a woman.
I want to figure out if I want to change my sex.
I kind of feel like I want to.

One thing that bothers me is family.
What will they think when they find out?
But I haven't had contact with most of them for several years.

I don't like my parents.
I dont really care what they think.
Why even tell my family? If I hardly have had contact with them the last couple of years and dont care what they think of my plan.....then there is no point in telling.
I don't expect any help from them anyway. This is something I have to do on my own.
I would feel shameful anyway being dressed as a woman in front of them. I imagine that would be very embarrassing at emotionally painful.

If I had loved my parents and I felt like the loved me....that would be one thing....but if I don't even like or respect them?

Hm....I actually feel like just starting on this journey without telling them.
Just change my sex and start a new life.
If they find out, they find out, if not, they don't.

I didn't plan on spending time with them either way.

My main problem is that I'm not happy with myself as I am now.
If transforming myself to a woman can make me happier, it will be worth it.

Im kind of doing it in stealth mode.
I like the word "stealth".
I'm living undercover, he he.
Almost like an alien transforming in secrecy to a human being.
When I'm finished I'm gonna suck your brains out. Need human brain. Me hungry.

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