Saturday, January 16, 2010

Socializing - eye contact

I survived the meeting in real life with the other Social Anxiety people.
5 people with SA met. One didn't show up and maybe one showed up but didn't have the courage to approach us (not sure about this).

Anyway it was sort of interesting to meet the others.
I felt like I was the one with poorest social skills though.
Talking and looking at people is difficult for me.
I have problems with eye contact.
I would like to improve on that.

How do you improve the ability to comfortably look others in the eye while talking to them?
Practice by talking to myself in the mirror?
Maybe try to identify my thoughts and beliefs that cause me to feel uncomfortable when looking at people?
Or maybe just try to look others in the eye more.

Anyway trying to not think to negatively now.

Aw....socializing is so hard for wonder I'm a lone wolf/wolverine.

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